On the weekend I bought Red Faction: Guerrilla, finally, after hearing alot of positive feedback from it's destruction system and general good fun.
But what makes this game a waste of time is the absolute joke system 'Games for Windows Live' (GfWL).
Basically, the system means you MUST create a profile to obtain the simple task of saving and loading your game.
What the fuck?!
So when I went to start a new game, it asked me to create an account.
It took me to the Xbox website (wait, what?) to create an Xbox gamer tag.
Okay so I HAVE to make an XBOX account JUST to save and load my game?
I should have stopped there.
After pissing around for an hour and a half I eventually got the shoddy system to log me in.
I then played the game...
Fuck it is actually alot of fun.
Being able to blow up everything basically made me jizz on my screen.
The story line is extremely unoriginal and the combat system is unrealistic and shoddy (typical 3rd person shooter). But albeit it's very entertaining.
Throwing remote charges on a bridge and blowing them up and watching the rubble crush thine enemies is fucking fun.
But anyway, I digress.
I played the game for a fair while in one session.
I then saved and quit the game. To my suprise, no worries: It approved and let me quit.
Later, I went to play the game again.
So I attempted to sign in. This took bloody forever.
When I finally signed in, my save games were deleted.
O_o and my god what a surprise it won't let me sign in the next day to start a new game.
Fuck. What a joke and an absolute waste of time.
NEVER buy anything that has 'Games for Windows Live' on it. EVER.
Save yourself the pain.
Fuck you THQ. Take some lessons from Valve.
Actually no, just leave the industry to those who know what they are doing.