I was sitting in the gardens of Leed Castle in the province of Kent and it was perfect. It was beautiful.
What made it so perfect? You may ask.
Well, the greatest part of sitting in the garden of a castle that is 800 years old is that there was no noise.
And by noise I mean man-made noises. There were no cars, no planes, no roads nearby, no suburbs... Nothing. Aside from the occasional group of quiet chat from passer by's, the only sounds to be heard were that of nature. The creek nearby was swishing through the rocks and there was a plethora of different birds chirping in the trees and by the lake. And these birds were not loud and annoying like crows or galahs, it was really pretty.
I was sitting on a patch of a grass by the lake under a tree with thick foliage so there was plenty of shade. It was so incredible. It was so relaxing and peaceful. I could have sat there for hours upon hours enjoying the peace and quiet. The clean fresh country air was also a very refreshing sensation. And also, considering it's in England, it was actually really nice weather! Pretty sunny and there wasn't a drop of rain all day and the breeze was only light and wasn't cold. It was incredible. It was perfect.
Only my girlfriend's smile could top it.

sounds amazing! <3