Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ya Fooking Planker

What do I think about Planking?

I don't think anything about Planking.
I think that fads catch on and are spread around far too quickly on the internet these days.

Planking could have been a pretty humorous way to entertain others on a trivial scale, especially when alcohol is involved. Such as your face on a chair, your chest on a dog's back and your feet on a music stand. But after only knowing about planking for 3 days, I am already waiting for the time when everyone moves on. Sort of like the moment where you think; "Well, that was fun, but it is certainly enough." But then again, I can't bear to think of what stupid idea someone will think of next and the plethora of Facebook pages that follow by this mind-less assimilating society.

On the note of Planking, I must talk about 20 year old Acton Beale who died whilst "planking".
I don't agree with everyone blaming the inventor of planking for Beale's death. It is his own fault for planking on a balcony rail 7 stories high.
When you lie face down on a balcony rail, surely you have to realise the dangers. Common sense, anyone?

People die in car crashes. Would you blame Ferdinand Verbiest?
People die in plane crashes. Would you blame The Wright Brothers?
Everyone is always so fast to point fingers and blame everyone else without actually shutting up for just one second and actually thinking about the situation.
I really have no idea how an idea such as this has become such a huge craze.

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